Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Return of the Ass Cheerio

Whether you are on maternity leave or staying at home with your kids full-time, many women I know, me among them, struggle to capture just a bit of how we looked in our former lives. Many of us were used to wearing suits, heels, and designer purses before we traded them in for jeans, T-shirts, and diaper bags. We try our best, with our limited time and energy, to stay presentable but I’d say we’ve had to lower our expectations somewhat.

In my case, I would like to think that spit up is the new black or pureed bananas all over my shirt is a new fashion trend. Necessity is the mother of invention, is it not? Or is it making a virtue out of necessity? Whatever it is, it still doesn’t change the fact that there is no putting a positive spin on the Ass Cheerio.

Don’t know what I’m talking about? Then you don’t have kids. As all moms know, when our little ones start to eat finger food, the Cheerios we so often give them make a beeline for our butts. Just as mashed peas wind up on our tops, Cheerios wind up on our posteriors. And while we are able to see the peas and clean them up, an Ass Cheerio can stay with us ALL DAY LONG until the husband shows up from work and points it out (it is like NASA has had a hand in making Cheerios because once attached they can withstand almost anything.)

Based on the age of my youngest son, I’d say I have at least another year of dealing with the sneaky snack. So if you see me at the grocery store wearing cereal instead of buying it, please don’t laugh, just pity me.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I remember those damn Cheerios. And when they get wet, they make such a crusty MESS.

    It gets better before you know it. My stained t-shirt and jeans days are long gone, but I remember when I thought they'd NEVER pass me by. And I know that I'm supposed to say, "Enjoy every moment- It flies by" but you know what? I had quite enough of those days, thank you very much. I enjoyed them while they lasted and now I'm very glad to be out of the baby/toddler phase for good. ;)
